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I would like to invest several hundred million yen in an office building in Tokyo, are there any successful cases?
I would like to invest in high quality real estate that was managed by a real estate fund, do you have any success stories ?
I would like to invest in high quality real estate that was managed by a real estate fund, even in a local city, do you have any success stories?
Are there any successful examples of high-yielding real estate investments that do not exceed 100 million yen? Do I want to invest in a property close to the nearest station if possible?
Is there an example of buildings owned by real estate funds that have been successfully invested in high-quality commercial real estate, not exceeding one billion yen?
Are there any examples of successful investments in properties that are not built to the new earthquake resistance standards?
What is the secret of success of companies that have invested in real estate and succeeded in hotel management?
From successful examples of urban development around stations in Japan, can you tell what the secret to success in urban development is?
For example, which places in Japan are becoming more popular due to new urban development? The reason for this is to be used as a reference when considering real estate purchase and investment.
Which places in Tokyo, for example, are attracting attention due to new urban development? (1)
Which places in Tokyo, for example, are attracting attention due to new urban development? (2)