Sales and Investment / Survey, Improvement and Construction
- When conducting a "building condition survey" during a real estate transaction of an existing house, how long does it take to conduct the survey and how much does it cost?
- When a "building condition survey" is performed at the time of a real estate transaction of an existing house, does the seller pay the survey cost, or does the buyer pay it?
- Is there a low-cost way to conduct geotechnical investigations when building a single-family wooden house?
- How much does it cost to improve the ground if it is found to be soft ground as a result of the ground investigation?
- How much does it cost for a geotechnical investigation by "Method for screw weight sounding"?
- Is it sufficient to use the "Method for screw weight sounding" for geotechnical investigations when constructing a building?
- What is the method of ground investigation by boring survey, and how much does it cost?