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What is a real estate auction conducted by a court?
Can amateurs participate in bidding for real estate auctions conducted by the courts?
Are there any experts in real estate auctions conducted by the courts?
Can I purchase real estate at a lower price than the general market by bidding on real estate auctioned by the court?
How can I find real estate for public auction by the court?
Can foreign nationals bid on real estate for public auction by the courts?
If I bid on a property for auction that is publicly announced by the court and the price is not high enough to win, will the deposit I paid at the time of bidding be refunded? If so, how long will it take to be refunded?
Will the court actively intervene in the eviction of tenants who are unable to repay their debts for the auctioned real estate that the court has publicly announced? Because even if I win the bid, I cannot use the property if the tenants do not move out.
Are there any companies that can bid on my behalf, since the process of real estate auction conducted by the court does not seem easy? If so, how much is the agency fee?
How many bidders are there for each property auctioned publicly by the court?
Are there any ways to obtain information on real estate for auction before the information on real estate for auction publicly announced by the court is released to the BIT system?
I am considering bidding on a vacation home property for which a major company has sold more than a hundred units, because the property has become a public auction property announced by the court. I cannot check the inside of the building, right?
What are the most common types of real estate for auction that the courts publicly announce?
Are the only properties announced by the court as auctioned property are ordinary properties such as land, residential property, and investment property?
Are there any chances that I can win a whole building or a whole rental apartment for investment purposes at a real estate auction publicly announced by the court?
How many properties are publicly auctioned by the courts each month? How many of them are sold?
Who is more likely to be able to bid on real estate for auction that is publicly announced by the court, individuals or corporations?
Is there a way to predict the price at which a bidder is likely to win the auction of real estate that has been publicly announced by the court?
Do most people who get the right to make a "next-highest purchase offeror" offer do so?
What kind of information can I get from the BIT System, a website that provides information on real estate for auction that has been publicly announced by the courts? Do I have to pay to obtain such information?
What kind of information is contained in the "Property Description” of properties disclosed on the "BIT System," a website for information on real estate for auction publicly announced by the courts?
Does the BIT System, an information website for real estate for auction publicly announced by the courts, support multiple languages?
Are there any experts who can explain the documents published on the BIT System, a website for information on real estate for auction publicly announced by the courts, in languages other than Japanese, such as English?
I would like to bid on a property listed on the "BIT System," an information website for auctioned real estate published by the courts, but I am unable to write bidding documents in Japanese. What should I do?
I would like to have my tenants evict me after I win a bid for a property auctioned by the court. Is there a market price for eviction fees?
Are there any methods to evict an occupant after winning an auctioned property publicly announced by the court, in a simpler procedure than a normal lawsuits?
Are there any cases where I can win a bid at an amount below the "standard sales price" at a real estate auction publicly announced by the court? In general internet auctions, can I bid only at a price higher than the "minimum sale price.”
Can I use a loan to pay for the winning bid price of the real estate auctioned by the court?
What are the most common mistakes people make when bidding on real estate auction properties held by the courts? I would like to know the things that are easy to make mistakes in advance.
Is there any way to obtain information on the "Public notice of decision to start real estate auction and termination of dividend demand" outside of the court?